matthew 5.4
"blessed are those who mourn..."
- ii cor 7.9-11: sorrow leading to repentance: inspire and challenge, motivate to change
- sorrow of the world: fear of being caught
- sorrow of God: heart change
two pictures of sorrow
- peter: offended Christ by betrayal: wept bitterly, repented before Christ
- judas: offended Christ by betrayal: stricken by guilt, hanged himself
"...for they shall be comforted"
- pain hollows out a place for God's comfort, a need for Him (isa 61.1-3)
isa 61
- v2 - to comfort all those who mourn...
- v3 - so that He may be glorified(!)
so what?!
- repent: God's comfort is forgiveness of sin: you can't do it
- mourn - comfort - comfort others (ii cor 1.3-5)
- comfort is the real solution, not "consoling," but forgiving